Who Needs a Land Survey…
…If you are buying or selling, you probably do. When you decide to buy or sell, you make a personal and financial commitment. It makes sense to protect your investment against unforeseen title and boundary problems.
* Buyers, ask for a survey by a registered land surveyor in your offer to purchase so you can find out about potential problems before you sign the closing papers.
* The seller or REALTOR® should be able to show you the boundaries of the property.
* The survey map will depict the location of the house, garage, and other improvements such as boundary fences, driveways and retaining walls. It will reveal whether anything on the property you intend to purchase, or the adjoining properties have any encroachments.
* The survey map will also show apparent easements such as power poles, sewer manholes, catch basins, drainage ditches, telephone and cable TV boxes. You’ll need to know what parties, companies, utilities and government agencies may have legal access to your property.
* Working with the title insurance company, the surveyor, if requested, will depict the location of recorded easements such as underground pipelines and cables.
Your attorney may advise you to insist on a survey of the property before closing. Follow that advice. Know just what property you are buying.
Protect your rights and your investment…require a recent land survey when you make an offer to purchase.
A land survey is performed by a registered land surveyor for the purpose of describing, monumenting and mapping the boundaries and corners of a parcel of land. It may also include the design and layout of new lots and streets, the determination of the physical features of the land parcel, and the location of buildings and other improvements upon the land. A land survey locates upon the ground the land that your deed describes.
All land surveys in Texas must be performed by a land surveyor who has registered to practice in the State.
Ask your local attorney, architect, engineer, designer, title company or county clerk for the name of a registered land surveyor; the “Yellow Pages” may also be consulted.
….Before you purchase it, to be sure the “deed” describes the land you are to purchase.
….If you are required to furnish a survey of your property when you borrow money on it.
….Whenever you believe someone is encroaching on your property.
….Before dividing any parcel of land for sale.
….Prior to the construction of any structures on property in which you have an interest, unless you are positive of the boundaries.
….When you sell any tract of land which has not been previously surveyed and the plat thereof recorded.
….When your attorney, land surveyor, architect, municipal engineer or REALTOR® advises it.
A registered land surveyor is duly licensed by law to perform land surveys in Texas. He renders a highly technical service to his client in conformity with several applicable laws, regulations and codes which have been established by State, county and local governments. As a professional, the land surveyor must also abide with high standards of conduct and practices.
Tell the land surveyor why you want a survey so that he can recommend the type of survey required. Furnish him with a description of the land to be surveyed, and any other information you may have regarding the property, such as abstract of title, title report, previous survey maps, or location of existing property corners.
Transmit your instructions by letter, telephone, or consultation with the land surveyor in his office, or at the land site. The surveyor may request written authorization from you to proceed with the survey, together with a retainer fee.
An estimate of cost can normally be furnished to you by the land surveyor.
Land surveying cost is dependent upon many factors such as the type of survey required, weather conditions, the availability of existing records and monuments; the type of terrain; and the surveyor’s familiarity and knowledge of the area.
Competitive bidding for the lowest cost does not necessarily assure the best interests of either the client or the land surveyor. The competency and experience of several land surveyors should be judged before one is selected to perform the survey.
In addition to salary costs, surveying fees include an allowance for business overhead, such as taxes, office rent, telephone, postage, electricity and other items of cost essential for the conduct of a surveying service. The cost for monuments, vehicle mileage, copying and recording fees, and other direct expenses are normally charged in addition to the per diem fee.
He will study your deed and show you what, in his professional opinion, the records and facts indicate the boundaries of your land to be. He will survey your property, and adjacent property, if necessary, to complete his work.
He will set monuments at your property corners and mark them so they can be easily found. A record of his work is recorded in his field book for future reference.
He will prepare a plat or map of your property, indicating the measurements he has made, the monuments placed, and the computed acreage. he will supply you with as many copies of the plat or map as you may require, each bearing his signature, certification and seal. he will file a copy of the map or plat with the county surveyor, with 60 days of the completion of your survey, and will record the original of the plat or map with the register of deeds if required by law.
In case of controversy, he will appear in court as your expert witness. no one other than he can assume the responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of his work.
He is the person best qualified to write a property description, when land is to be divided.
He will help you plan and lay out a subdivision into lots and streets.
He will advise you if there is any defect in your land description or evidence of encroachment.
The Land Surveyor locates the property upon which improvements are planned and constructed. His professional services will cost less in time, worry and expense than the cost of moving a building, relocating improvements or defending a law suit in court due to a land boundary controversy. Retain a Land Surveyor prior to the planning of your development and investment of funds, as a protection of your interests.